Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sarah, So Wise at Seven

The other day on the phone, my niece asked me, "Aunt Barb, how's Yogi?" Yogi is my cocker spaniel, and apparently the status of his well-being is what will allow my niece to prolong our phone conversation.

"Well, Yogi's good, but of course he's always a good boy."

"I know Aunt Barb," and I am compelled to ask the next logical question, "Sarah, how do you know Yogi's always good?"

"Well, when we're there visiting you Yogi's always good and he doesn't get yelled at or in trouble so when we're not visiting you he must also be a good boy and not get yelled at or in trouble, so that's how I know Yogi's a good boy." This all said without taking more than the breath needed to start the sentence. I'm amazed that my seven year old niece is more logical than I am most days. But the lesson isn't over....

"Now Percy is always bad, but you shouldn't worry about that because all cats are curious and get in trouble Aunt Barb." Percy, as you might have guessed, is my cat. Full name Percival Simon O'Connor, Percy to his friends. He was named Percy Simon because he was rescued from a persimmon tree he had climbed and couldn't get out of without a little human help. Percy is constantly in trouble. The old adage "curiosity killed the cat" may come to fruition in Percy's case. I again was astounded that my young niece had such insight into the workings of animal behavior.

"Thanks for the advice Sarah, I'll keep it in mind the next time Percy's on the counter and shouldn't be."

"It's okay Aunt Barb, Percy doesn't mean to be bad, he just can't help it."

Ahhh, the wisdom of youth.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blogging, Day One

I've never blogged before, unless you count sporadic journaling - which I suppose may one day be referred to as the way old people used to blog back in the days before computers. My hope is to chronicle the life of my family, the joys of being an aunt, and the sorrows of being childless when there's nothing more I want than children of my own.