Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Sunday Morning Phone Call

Today I talked with Georgie on the phone. He told me they were moving back to Florida on Wednesday. He's going to miss grandma, Uncle Steve, Uncle Chuck, Aunt Max, I love that. He made sure to let me know the pool isn't blue, or even green, it's black because the man didn't take care of it, so he'll have to fix it before Georgie and Sarah can go swimming in it. The pool is at their house in Florida. The house is currently being rented, but my brother plans on reclaiming it as soon as he can. Georgie's most excited about having his own room again with his own bed. Aunt Barb, Sarah puked last night...twice. She woke me up. He and Sarah have been sleeping on the same air mattress on the floor in the den at grandma's since they moved to Pennsylvania in March. I guess those two things alone explain why he's excited about having his own space. Aunt Barb, you wanna sing a song? He loves to sing with me on the phone. Old MacDonald had a farm EIEIO and on that farm he has a dog, with a woof woof here and a woof woof there everywhere a woof woof, old MacDonald had a farm... How's that Aunt Barb, what do you want to sing now? I choose You Are my Sunshine which is usually the song I sing to him, mostly because he knows it and will sing along with me. But also because when I need to be cheered up, all I have to do is think of him, my own little sunshine, and it makes me feel better. We finish the song. I love you Georgie. I love you, too Aunt Barb. I love you more! I love you to Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New York! Wow - I wonder where New York came from? He must really love me if he's including states he's never lived in before. I'm going to squeeze you to pieces, kiss you all over, and tickle you the next time I see you baby. Will you swing me around, too? Yep! Aunt Barb, don't hang up I'll be right back. Okay. From afar...Aunt Barb, I'm brushing my teeth....I'm almost done.....don't go anywhere....okay, I'm done! Are you there Aunt Barb? Yep! So, I guess since you're moving to Florida, I can't take you to Kennywood when I come home, huh? Nope, I guess not. Maybe the next time you come and I'm here we can go. Maybe. Aunt Barb, it might not be open when that is though. Yeah, it might be winter, and Kennywood's not open then. Hmmmmm....well, will you come visit me in Florida? Probably baby, but I'm not sure when. Hey Grandma, what you got? Can I have one? And before I know it, the conversation's over - no I love you, no I miss you, no goodbye, just my Mom laughing as I lament how quickly he gets distracted and dumps me without so much as a by your leave. Hmph!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Moving Back to Florida

Well, apparently my brother has decided after just four short months to pick up his family and move them from Pennsylvania back to Florida. Last June, George and his family moved to Texas after George got laid off and couldn't find steady work in Florida. He moved to Texas to work with our brother-in-law in his air conditioning business. It didn't work out. In March, I went to Texas and helped George move his family back to Pennsylvania. He moved in with my Mom in an effort to save money while he took over our uncle's machine repair business. I thought things were going well, he was working steadily, Sarah started her new school, Georgie finally got a speech therapist who was helping him, and Sue got a job. He was planning to move out next month into a home of their own. Apparently that all changed when one of his former employers in Florida called him to offer him a job. So, George is going to disrupt his family for the thrid time in a year because he suffers from "the grass is greener" syndrome. Sarah will be in her fourth school in a year...and no doubt Georgie will lose ground in his speech development. On top of all that, he's temporarily moving my babies into a trailer sight unseen. Who knows what kind of condition this trailer's in or where it's at.... I don't understand why my brother is willing to move his family again when there's no guarantee this opportunity in Florida will be any better than what's currently happening for him in Pennsylvania. I just hope he's given a lot of thought to this move. It doesn't make sense to me, and I'd advise him against it. But, as usual, no one asked me or would listen even if I told them how I feel. One day, my siblings will recognize and appreciate my sage advice!